Different between VPS vs cloud server

Jasim Uddin Guru
2 min readJun 1, 2023


VPS (Virtual Private Server) and cloud servers are both popular hosting solutions, but they have some distinct differences. Here are the top 10 differences between VPS and cloud servers:

  1. Infrastructure: VPS is a single physical server divided into multiple virtual servers, whereas cloud servers are built on a distributed network of multiple physical servers interconnected.
  2. Scalability: Cloud servers are highly scalable, allowing you to easily increase or decrease resources like CPU, RAM, and storage on-demand. VPS usually has limited scalability options and requires manual upgrades or migrations to change resources.
  3. High Availability: Cloud servers are designed for high availability, with redundancy and failover mechanisms in place. If a physical server fails, the workload is automatically shifted to another server. VPS lacks this inherent high availability feature.
  4. Pricing Model: VPS typically follows a fixed pricing model where you pay a set price for a predefined amount of resources. Cloud servers often use a pay-as-you-go model, where you pay for the resources you consume, allowing for more flexibility and cost optimization.
  5. Geographic Distribution: Cloud servers can be deployed in various geographical regions, allowing you to choose server locations closer to your target audience. VPS may have limitations in terms of geographic distribution.
  6. Management Control: VPS grants you full control over the virtual server, including the operating system and software installations. Cloud servers may provide a managed infrastructure where the hosting provider takes care of some management tasks, but you have less control over the underlying infrastructure.
  7. Performance: Cloud servers typically offer better performance due to their distributed nature. They can leverage resources from multiple physical servers, providing higher processing power and better load balancing. VPS performance depends on the resources allocated to the virtual server.
  8. Redundancy: Cloud servers are inherently redundant as they operate on a network of interconnected physical servers. If one server fails, another takes over. VPS lacks this built-in redundancy and relies on manual backups or failover setups.
  9. Reliability: Cloud servers are designed for high reliability, ensuring minimal downtime and service interruptions. VPS reliability depends on the hosting provider’s infrastructure and maintenance practices.
  10. Isolation: VPS provides a higher degree of isolation since each virtual server operates independently of others on the same physical server. Cloud servers may have varying levels of isolation, depending on the specific architecture and implementation.

It’s important to note that the specific features and characteristics of VPS and cloud servers can vary depending on the hosting provider and the technologies employed. It’s recommended to review the offerings of different providers and consider your specific requirements before making a decision. #vps #cloud #hosting #server



Jasim Uddin Guru

I am a web developer and designer currently living in Khulna, Bangladesh. My interests range from programming to design.